Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year New Blog...

Hello all! I have recently become a blog-a-holic...My first confession of the new year. (whew...glad that's over) Last year I didn't even know what "blogging" was, and for those of you who know me, probably thought I never would...But I have been inspire to start one by "My Friend Beth" :-) She has been such an inspiration to all who know her and a great number who don't. Her blog has been such blessing.
My hope for our family blog is that I can share some of the moments with those we love. Those moments that seem to get lost in the daily CRAZE that is life. Last year went all to fast and I know there were noteworthy moments that because they were more than 10 minutes ago I can't remember exactly how special they were.
Thank you Beth for inspiring me to share those moments and share with those I love, a better and "real" glimps of our days. (Also, maybe I'll finally learn how to upload photos!) (Don't hold your breath!)
Love you all! Jen and family

1 comment:

  1. are a you just have to get on Facebook!!
